What is SIMCLEX®?
It's a computer adaptive testing software (CAT) NCLEX simulation. Our patented software is designed to create an adaptive testing setting which means that you never get the same test twice. In fact, no two users will ever get the same test . . . it literally adapts to you as you take the test.
How does SIMCLEX® work?
The exam increases and decreases in difficulty, based on how you're answering the questions, and will stop when it's 95% confident that you'll either Pass or Fail based on the passing standard.
How many questions are on SIMCLEX®?
Other simulators just give 75 max no matter what (that's not what the NCLEX does...🙄). Plus we put an actual time limit, so you can get a feel for the right tempo.
Who writes your questions on SIMCLEX®?
Why should you care about that? Because the NCSBN is the organization who administers the NCLEX®!
Who better to take practice questions from than question writers who are trained by the organziation who writes the NCLEX®!
And, better yet...our NCLEX question database have been taken and vetted by tens of thousands of nurses all around the world. The more people who take SIMCLEX®, the smarter SIMCLEX® becomes. 🤓
Will I be able to review my SIMCLEX® exams after I take it?
Every exam will give you a detailed analysis of all the questions you got right and wrong, what the correct answers were, and the rationales behind those questions.
How accurate is SIMCLEX®?
While we can’t predict your exact NCLEX® experience, our goal is to make sure that you pass NCLEX® and we do this by providing as accurate a simulation experience as possible.
Do you guarantee I'll pass?
We're not crazy (wellll....maybe some of us are 🤣) - we just really want you to pass the NCLEX®!
So, if you pass a SIMCLEX® but don’t pass the NCLEX®, we’ll give you a full refund…x2!
Check out our Money-Back Guarantee FAQ for answers and details about our 200% Money Back Guarantee!